
FrontPage (redirected from Introduction)

Page history last edited by Vu Nguyen 15 years, 11 months ago

Site Info


Welcome to the Encyclopedia of Vietnamese Music. Here, we hope you will eventually find everything you need concerning the vast world of Vietnamese music, both traditional and modern. For what you do not find, I hope you will help us by contacting us and making contributions. With your support, we hope to make this the most comprehensive site for all things concerning Vietnamese music. See About Us for more information on what we are trying to do.


Although merely a fledgling wiki at the moment, we will update constantly with new content as time allows and as we continue to learn, and hope that you will bear with us and be supportive in the meantime.


Please visit our Introduction on Vietnamese music for an overview of the subject in general as well as what is available on the site. Also available is the Index of articles sorted alphabetically, or by category. Major categories are also shown in the SideBar, on the right-hand side of all pages, or see Categories for a more comprehensive description of the individual sections of the site. Another possibility is to type your query directly into the search box at the upper-right-hand side.


See Changes for a comprehensive list of all updates generated automatically by pbwiki. Go to Major Updates for a list of updates deemed important by the editors/contributors.






Concerning those visitors who have a desire to contribute to the growth of the Enyclopedia of Vietnamese Music, we are currently looking for people with the following skills and/or knowledge, but anyone with enthusiasm and any knowledge of Vietnamese music whatsoever is encouraged to e-mail us and contribute.

  • Knowledge of Vietnamese traditional music in terms of instrumentation, genres and styles, songs and repertoire, history, theory, etc.
  • Proficiency in the Vietnamese language towards the ends of creating a translation of this site to Vietnamese.
  • Exposure to popular music of the current generation or even of a few generations prior, both outside of Vietnam and inside the country. This may include knowledge about songs, composers, styles, etc.
  • Performers/musicians who would be willing to contribute samples of relevant work to this database and thus to the public domain. An example might be a brief clip of you singing something from the cải lương repertoire in the corresponding article.
  • Proficiency in the English language to serve as an editor for the site.
  • Knowledge of Vietnamese history, folklore, ethnic peoples, etc. that is not directly associated to the music, to provide contextual information for those unfamiliar with Vietnam in general.

People with these skills, and anyone else interested in helping, are urged to e-mail the administrator.






We hope to ultimately make our forums the premiere place to discuss all things concerning Vietnamese music, as well as to serve as a meeting ground for contributors to the Encyclopedia. For your convenience, you can login directly in the log-in box on the sidebar (opens in a new window), or if you are a new user, click here to register (new window). Registration for the forums only takes a moment and you'll be part of a new community of musicians and music enthusiasts, all learning together. Thanks!


Note: The forum sidebar only appears if your window is wide enough.




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This site uses Unicode for Vietnamese characters. If Vietnamese characters are not showing correctly for you, please see this page for more information on settings. Furthermore, visit UniKey.org for a free, open source Vietnamese keyboard that allows typing in Unicode and a host of other Vietnamese font systems.


Please contact Jason Nguyen, the administrator, at dochuyen84@gmail.com if you would like to contribute, have suggestions, problems, etc.


For more information about Jason Nguyen (Nguyễn Đình Mạc Vũ), including his credentials, awards, and various other contributions to the musical community, please see Mạc Vũ.



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